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Sunday, January 29, 2017

Birthday Cookbook

I got a cookbook from my friend Bailey at my birthday party. It was my favorite gift.  It is a 304 page cookbook from DK called Complete Children's Cookbook.  It includes a ton of recipes to make for breakfast, snacks, main meals, desserts, breads, etc.  It is very well written and includes step by step photos, equipment needed list, detailed instructions, and tips for the chef.

The first thing I made from it was blueberry muffins. They are really good. I have made them about 2 or 3 times. Bailey even came over and made them with me one day after school.  I learned after making them the first time that they might taste better if more lemon zest was added to the batter, along with some lemon juice straight from the lemon. We did that the second time we made them and in made a difference.  I guess I just like the taste of lemon and blueberries together.  I will soon be giving a cooking demonstration in one of my classes at school on making these muffins, and them giving each student one to try.  (I will probably make mini muffins for them.  I will have to experiment with that.)  These muffins have become a favorite.  (Recipe to follow.)

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