cutest blog on the block

Wednesday, May 10, 2017


I love smoothies.  They are not only delicious and refreshing but a good way to get your servings of fruits and veggies in.  Here is a basic smoothie recipe that works with any combination you want.  Here are some helpful tips to making the perfect smoothie.

The first thing to remember is to start your smoothie off with a liquid base so that you don't damage the blades of your blender.  You can use fruit juice, milk or milk alternative, and even coconut milk for a tropical flavored smoothie.  Then add the fruit(s) of your choice.  Bananas are a great for any smoothie and add a nice creamy texture.  Other delicious fruits that are yummy are berries, mangoes, peaches, nectarines, oranges, and even melons.  If you want to hide your veggies, you can add spinach but it will turn your smoothie a greenish-brown.  You may need to add more liquid depending on which fruits you use.  Experiment with it a bit until you get the texture you like.  Adding ice will give your smoothie a frosty, thick texture.

2 cups liquid (apple or other fruit juice, carrot juice, almond milk, regular milk, coconut milk)
6-8 oz. of yogurt (any flavor, if using plain you will need a sweetener)**
1 cup of fruit (any combination, frozen or fresh)
1/2 banana (frozen or fresh)
6-12 ice cubes (if using fresh fruit)

Add all the ingredients to the blender in order listed.  Blend until smooth.  You may need to add a little more liquid if it gets to thick.  Add sweetener to taste, if needed and pulse in blender a few times.**  Pour into a tall cup and enjoy!

**honey, maple syrup, agave syrup, natural Stevia drops

Forest fruit & banana smoothie

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Fudgie Bars

My mom makes these amazing Fudgie Bars.  She got the recipe from her mom years ago and recently rediscovered it.  She has since made them a few times for family gatherings.  They have quickly become a favorite of mine.  I like helping her to pat the oatmeal cookie crust into the bottom of the pan.  It takes a bit of patience but they are so worth it!  We always make two batches (one with nuts, one without) when we take them places and both versions are very popular.  We like to store them in the fridge, but you don't have to.  Betcha' you can't eat just one!

1 cup butter
2 1/2 cups flour
2 cups packed brown sugar
2 eggs
4 tsp. vanilla
1 tsp. baking soda
3 cups quick oats (or pulse old-fashioned oats in a blender)
1 (14-oz.) can sweetened condensed milk
1 1/2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips
2 Tbs. butter or margarine
1/2 cup chopped nuts (optional) (pecans delish!) 

Mix 1 cup butter with half the flour, all the brown sugar, both eggs, 2 tsp. vanilla, and all of the baking soda.  Mix thoroughly, then add rest of the flour and all the oats.  Set aside.

Heat can of sweetened condensed milk, semi-sweet chocolate chips, and 2 Tbs. butter until melted, then add the other 2 tsp. vanilla and all the nuts.

Crust:  Pat 2/3 of oat mixture in ungreased 15x10x1 pan.  Pour and spread chocolate mixture over the crust and drop/crumble remaining oat mixture the over top.

Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes or until light golden brown.  (Chocolate mixture will still look moist.)  Cool in pan on wire rack and then cut into bars when cool.

Makes about 48-60 bars depending on how you divide the pan.


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